アウトドア・スポーツ業界で栄えある賞、ISPO Award 2018 ハイキング&トレッキングフットウェア部門でもGOLD WINNERを受賞した本格的な機能シューズをMINOTAUR INST.がテクニカル素材使用ミリタリーデザインへアップデート。
世界最強レベルの「ダイニーマ®️加工(DYNEEMA®️BONDED)レザー」アッパー。 ECCO Leather B.V.(エコー・レザー社)は、DSM ダイニーマ社と今までにない軽量で極薄ながら高強度なレザー「ダイニーマ®️加工レザー」を共同開発。
強力な繊維ダイニーマ(R)は、鉄より15倍の強度を持ち、水にも浮く軽さを実現。 内側にはメンブレン防水仕様。 ミッドソールにはPU「フォーレーン(TM)(PHORENE(TM))」を使用しています。 従来のECCOのPU素材より2倍もの衝撃吸収力があり、反発性は50%、軽量性は30%以上向上し、 寒さにも強くマイナス40°Cの温度でも柔軟性が失われません。
人間が本来持つ自然な足の動きを最大化するバイオム(BIOM)テクノロジーを採用。 『エコー エキソストライク(ECCO EXOSTRIKE)』には2,500人の足を測定し開発した人間が本来持つ足の自然な動きを妨げないECCOの「バイオム (BIOM)テクノロジー」を採用。 アウトドアシーンでも勿論街の中でも最高の歩行 体験を実現。リップ力と耐久性のあるアウトソールとぴったり包み込むようなヒールカウンターが不安定な地面でも安定感のある歩行に導きます。
The world's strongest level "DYNEEMA® BONDED" resercher. ECCO Leather B.V. (Echo Reseller) has co-developed DSM Taineya with an unprecedented lightweight, ultra-thin, and high-strength "Tainiema® processing". Powerful fiber Diniema (R) has 15 times the strength of iron and is light enough to float in water. Waterproof membrane inside. Mitt @ Sole uses PU "Four Lane (TM) (PHORENE (TM))". It has twice the shock absorption capacity of conventional ECCO PU material, 50% more resilience, more than 30% lighter, more resistant to cold and flexible at temperatures of minus 40 ° C.
ECCO's proprietary integrated molding method, Fluid Form (TM) (FLUIDFORM (TM)) technology (* Direct Injection) for a comfortable and lightweight sole. Employs BIOM technology that maximizes the natural movement of the human foot. The ECCO EXOSTRIKE is based on ECCO's "BIOM" technology, which measures and develops 2,500 people's feet and does not hinder the natural movement of the feet. The best walking experience is realized both in the out-door scene and of course in the city. Rip force and durable outsole and wrap-around heel counter or unstable ground lead to stable walking. Shoe race is a stopper specification SPEEDLACE that is easy to put on and take off.
"BOA クロージャーシステム"ダイアル 靴ひもの代わりにワイヤーを使い、ダイアルを回 すことでワイヤーを巻き取り、均一に靴をしめることができ、ワンタッチで緩めることができる画期的なシステム。
直営店および ONLINE SHOP にて数量限定で発売開始。
"BIOM" sole In recent years, shoes have been focused on cushioning impact and have been progressing regardless of supporting the natural movement of the foot and promoting the inherent power of the body, but BIOM sole is a barefoot African Inspired by runners, it has been researched and developed to create shoes that maximize the foot's movement path when running barefoot. The human foot works together with 26 bones, 107 ligaments and 32 muscles to balance the body with the ground step by step.
"Natural motion" A shoe that supports the natural movements of human beings. "BOA Closure System" Dial An innovative system that uses wires instead of shoelaces, turns the dial, winds up the wire, and evenly tightens the shoe, and one-touch release and release. A tough, fast-wearing, close-to-the-foot running ninja shoe that is designed to express the natural movement of the foot.
Limited release at retail stores and ONLINE SHOP.